Who Are You Wrestling With? - Jim Higgins
Jim's sermon Who Are You Wrestling With? with the opening and closing prayers.
We live in unprecedented times. For many, the words of Jesus are literally fulfilled every day that people’s hearts in the last days will be “failing them for fear” (Luke 21:26). Actually, if one had to sum up a dominant characteristic of our time, a sense of fear would certainly be at the top of the list. Even among professed Christians, this sense of fear is all-pervasive, like a dense fog resting on the land. This is surprising, since, as the Bible says, “Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18) and Christ’s followers should have hearts that are “kept in perfect peace” (Isaiah 26:3). This Sabbath’s sermon will examine the reality of God’s presence, our lack of awareness of it and how it impacts our ability to trust Him. We will also explore lessons from the Bible where God’s people failed to trust Him and how that affected them. Finally, we will discuss how to trust God more in our daily walks with God.
Full Church Service Video: https://youtu.be/c17ht8Ix9wE