Audio Recordings

The Cheeto Factor — Jim Higgins

February 26, 2022

Jim's sermon The Cheeto Factor plus the opening and closing prayers.

I like Cheetos. Probably too much. Especially crunchy Cheetos. Their texture, saltiness, and cheesy goodness. Honestly, they are pretty much irresistible to me. I can learn a lot from a bag of Cheetos. For example, they are not particularly good for me and yet, I want to eat them anyway. Kind of like sin. Cheetos represent a choice. I can eat them or not. Like following our God. I can follow or not. It comes down to a choice. We may want to follow Him completely. And yet, our natures always tend to lead us to choose the Cheetos in life that can draw us away from Him. This weekend’s sermon will discuss the journey of our lives and what the Bible tells us about how God’s grace is sufficient to make us more than conquerors and approach Him with confidence through Jesus Christ.

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